Home / Albums Industrial stuff
+ Excursion to the BRP "Vega" | Экскурсия по территории БРЗ "Вега"
+ Berdsk | Бердск
Creation date / All / All / Thursday

- 40905282922 9c18afdaed o
- 27019087788 179f2ff08b o
- 40181708654 61463522a4 o
- 40181708314 ea030cd961 o
- 38984042240 59f0bd15a8 o
- 38984042360 6d5efb25e2 o
- 38984042720 46560048b8 o
- Industrial Area
- Industrial Area
- Industrial Area
- Industrial Area for rest
- Industrial Area
- Industrial Area
- Industrial Area
- Industrial Area for rest
- Industrial Area with Lenin
- Only for staff
- Industrial Area
- Industrial Area
- Industrial Area
- Industrial Area for rest
- Industrial Area for rest
- Industrial Area for rest
- Industrial Area
- Industrial Area
- Industrial Area
- Industrial Area
- Industrial Area
- Industrial Area
- Industrial Area