Home / Albums Industrial stuff
+ Excursion to the BRP "Vega" | Экскурсия по территории БРЗ "Вега"
+ Berdsk | Бердск
Post date / 2018 / All

- 38984042360 6d5efb25e2 o
- 40751233832 94924c1f1f o
- 40751232482 5c503ded47 o
- 40751231992 df25e1d995 o
- 40080780334 02d0c58362 o
- 39880492355 55c272869d o
- 40733342522 21d5a86f7d o
- 39880491565 de0cd543ac o
- Industrial Area for rest
- Industrial Area for rest
- Industrial Area
- Industrial Area
- Industrial Area
- Only for staff
- Industrial Area with Lenin
- Industrial Area for rest
- Industrial Area
- Industrial Area
- Industrial Area
- Industrial Area for rest
- Industrial Area
- Industrial Area
- Industrial Area
- Industrial Area for rest
- Industrial Area
- Industrial Area
- Industrial Area
- 26874239718 73e2693669 o
- Industrial Area
- Industrial Area